Friday, 2 March 2007

Dream 12: Home Freezing and Strangling

I was at my childhood home in Harrogate, most aspects of the house were quite accurate considering it was a dream version of the house. There was a huge space project being conducted near where we lived. At one point I think I went into the building where some of the program was being carried out. It was an enormous warehouse/hanger type affair with James Bond style gizmo's tootling about the place and lifts up to various levels which housed numerous secret activities.Then I was back at home and two men were in the lounge room. They were secret police attached to the space program and they were keeping an eye on us. I went into the hall and as I turned around I felt this blast of cold air. P was coming downstairs and was almost at the bottom, his Mum (she didn't look anything like his real Mum) was just going from the dining room into the lounge room. As I looked around we were all frozen completely stiff then I lost consciousness. We were frozen for several years. Occasionally we were aware, I could see P and his mum stuck in their positions. My vision was as if I was inside a thin block of ice. Another time I was aware of some minute movement. P's mum seemed to be moving very slightly, a few inches maybe per month or even per year. Eventually she disappeared.Finally we were unfrozen. It was decades later. We had all aged, but at only a fraction of the rate we would have done normally. Unfortunately P's mum had died. Which is why she had disappeared. But someone was explaining that she'd fought against the freeze. She knew she was going to die and she somehow managed to move herself towards the dog in the lounge room. When she died her spirit went into the dog. I didn't know where the dog had gone, but I tried to comfort P by telling him what happened.I went out to find some food. There was a market outside with loads of food stalls. Everyone was milling about and feeling hungry, we'd all been frozen for years. I met my brother (not the same as my real one), he had lost a lot of his hair, but his face had not aged at all. He was loading up the boot of the car with food. I went to get some chicken for P. There was a fried chicken stall, but next thing I knew I was working there and trying to serve customers. We were running out of stock and I had to explain that we were expecting a delivery, but that we were dependant on the people controlling the space project (and apparently our lives). I was feeling very hungry myself but didn't want to fast food, especially not chicken (I'm a veggie).Then I was on a river in a large Canadian canoe following another canoe. There was a secret policewoman in the canoe in front. She was very suspicious of me and kept looking back at what I was doing. I was trying to escape. Several of us wanted to break into the space program building and sabotage the project, and perhaps free ourselves from their grip. The policewoman jumped out of the canoe and swam towards me. She was going to get into my canoe so she could stop me doing whatever I was planning. As she came along side I grabbed her by the throat. She had quite a thin throat and it became pliable, like plasticine. It was effortless to squeeze it and I also held her underwater. Again this was very easy to do, but she took ages to actually die. She didn't struggle but she looked vaguely surprised. Eventually she expired and I paddled over to team up with the other canoe and form a rebel group.

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